Rovation Wins Biskland Contract

(Folsom, CA) Rovation Industries is proud to announce that it has won the Biskland excavation  contract. While Rovation has done a number of archaeological excavations in its over 100-year history, its Biskland association is less well known. Founder Zoran  Rovanović was probably of Bisk descent, so in a very real sense Rovation is going home.

Biskland excavation site

Rovation wins Biskland excavation contract (Photo by John Atherton)

Two square miles

With almost two square miles to excavate, Rovation has its work cut out for the resourceful archaeology team, many of whom also have diplomatic backgrounds.

Automated assistance required

The Bisk site will require automated assistance, and Rovation droids have proven themselves in the Mideast time and again.

This disputed and mountainous region contains many midden sites in hard-to-access  locations, so use of UAVs is not out of the question. Rovation’s UAVs have been adapted for civilian use before, and many updates have been made since the Ramses project was begun almost four years ago.

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